When I was in grammar school, my parents had me tested for the “gifted program” because my brother was in it and everything he did I was going to do as well. According to the results, my Visual/Spatial intelligence, the ability to comprehend three-dimensional images and shapes, was weak. As a result, I failed and was flatly told by the the gifted teacher, Mr McCool that “not everyone is gifted.” (To this day he is referred to as "Mr. [not so] McCool” in my house.)
I mention this memory because I have had a lot of time these last few months to reflect on my limiting beliefs (ad nauseam) and this one was a biggie for many years. Many of us accept the criticisms people {we think are in greater power than us} say about us. As a result we carry the lie around as fact and let it become part of a false narrative. Case and point, well into my adult life I was still touting that “my spatial intelligence is weak” or “I have trouble spatially” and would defer to others for their expertise in this area. Gosh, sometimes I still catch myself thinking it. The irony, as I am sure you have figured out by now, is that my entire professional career is based on a strong visual/spatial intelligence and it is primarily through using this and other strengths that I am able to envision + problem solve your homes!
Sure, it is entirely possible that I have over-compensated all these years merely to prove that teacher wrong, but that seems like a ton of effort for not much payoff. What feels more powerful and correct is that I grew into and developed the necessary parts of myself where I personally find passion, joy and fulfillment.
I encourage you to do the same…even if it means that, like me, you’re not gifted.