I strongly believe that one doesn’t have to be excellent at something in order to enjoy it. Case and point…..”me and math.” It drives me bananas when people humble brag about their lack of geometric, algebraic, or calculaic skills as though proficiency in math is something to be embarrassed about. (yes, I likely made up words) I would love for math to come easily to me. I would shout statistics from the rooftops if I could.
See, even though I rarely got the answer correct, I always loved the downward pyramid of showing my work and using the PEMDAS rules for solving quadratic equations. To know that there is only one right answer filled my brain with a sense of order and rightness in the world. I struggled to keep rank mathematically with my peers, but that was okay. I had tutors and asked for help and did my darnedest to figure it out. Okay, so maybe I still hold a teensy grudge about my C in Algebra II which kept me from graduating high school with honors, but I am working on getting over it. (I still maintain that my innate curiosity regarding why my teacher was missing the tips of his fingers on one hand kept me from being my smartest self in his class. :) )
But I digress…In my decorating work math is useful in all of the predictable ways. (Think measuring rooms, scale renderings, etc) However, recently I discovered that using PEMDAS as an analogy for my process (see figure A for a refresh) is really useful as well. Not that there is one right answer for how to decorate a home of course, but that there is a process and each decision we make informs the next. The bookcase in the living room, for example can inform the master bedroom storage necessities as well. You may only need one piece of furniture!
Especially now, wanting to redecorate your home or even just one space is incredibly exciting and gives us some purpose. It makes complete sense that you want to get it all done right away… so do I. Yet,even more so now than six months ago, it is essential to create thoughtful, functional spaces that really meet your work at home/live at home needs. The process may take a little longer because we will need to dig a deeper into how you use your space, but the final result is well worth the extra time….and as a bonus you will be refreshed on high school math principles which will help you teach your kids from home!!!
You’re Welcome